Thus, this study aimed to explore the nutritional, physicochemical and functional properties of different taro varieties grown in hawaii. Nevertheless, it can also be a route for transporting toxic metals to consumers. Here are 7 health benefits of taro root.
Taro Leaves Nutrition, Benefits, and Uses
The health benefits of taro starch, particularly its role in regulating blood sugar levels, promoting digestive health, and providing essential minerals and antioxidants, further underscore its value as a functional ingredient in the food industry.
Taro root’s complex carbohydrates provide sustained energy, while its abundance of nutrients supports overall health.
Therefore, this review aims to highlight the substantial potential of taro as an economical source of dietary energy by exploring the rich fiber, potassium, vitamin c, protein, and other micronutrient content of taro, and providing a foundation for the formulation of novel food products. The cultivation of colocasia esculenta, commonly referred to as taro, is largely focused on its corms and leaves, but the health benefits of its stolons remain underexplored.this research explores the proximate composition, phytochemical content, antioxidant capacity, and antimicrobial properties of c. One cup (132 grams) of cooked taro has 187 calories — mostly from carbs — and fewer than. Rich in fiber and other important nutrients.
As a gluten free, hypoallergenic crop with high digestibility, taro may serve as a dietary carbohydrate alternative for food production that adds nutrient value and potential health implications. The proximate analysis indicated a high. Taro root offers various health benefits. The ability of taro‐resistant starch to bind acids was identified as having promising health benefits owing to its ability to reduce cholesterol (simsek & el, 2012).