Feed your mind in an organized manner. Doing smaller blocks to start is good, but once you get more familiar w material and build stamina, doing 59q blocks is good to model the real test. Uworld block 2 are these 100 questions actually from the 2021 mbe or are they just released questions that are much harder?
Uworld for step 2 ck. How do I build my Uworld blocks. Step2
I scored a 515 and peaked like 517 but averaging 77% on uworld.
I finish my 40 question uworld blocks in just over an hour.
Their actual mbe score on the bar. Got roughly the same percentage, and although they were both cruel, i personally didn’t feel the difference in terms of difficulty. Apparently these are the mostly. I also did tutor mode so i could write down what content i needs to look up and review one i finished my uworld sessions.
Summary on key mindsets for an efficient uworld block review (tl;dr): As was block 1 but this was worse. I am curious from past passers what their uworld assessment block score was (i.e percentage) vs. Was it absurdly difficult or just me?

I am so confused because on themis i got 61% and.
I can't possibly be learning anything right? Thats what my blocks look like. Am block 1 & pm block 2. But my test scores are good;
That seems unreasonably fast to most people; I completed 90% of uworld. I got a 54% and feel completely broken.