Gollum, slinker, stinker, her sneak, trahald, my preciousss date of birth: Transfixed by his prize on the very edge of the cracks of doom, he lost his footing and toppled into the depths. Gollum (formerly known as sméagol) is a tolkien character who appears as a minor character in the hobbit and one of the primary antagonists of the lord of the rings by j.r.r.
Lord of the Rings Gollum Announced For PS4, PS5 PlayStation Universe
Sméagol, also known as gollum is a major antagonist in j.r.r.
This, by onomatopoeia, became 'gollum'.
While he’s most often known by the name of gollum, his. Gollum is one of the most loathsome characters in all of the lord of the rings, but he is also one of the most pitiable. Gollum's delight in reclaiming the ring would be brief indeed. It was widely assumed that this was derived from his.
With marvelous psychological insights tolkien perfectly. As smeagol began to change physically because of his altered lifestyle, he frequently made a noise clearing his throat. [ˈsmæ͡ɑːɣoɫ]), was a creature (originally a stoorish hobbit) who bore the one ring. Gollum, also known as sméagol (oe, pron.

He lived in the misty mountains for most of his life.
Sméagol, one of the stoor breed of hobbits, who mostly inhabited swampy areas, was given the nickname gollum by his cousin déagol. The name gollum was derived from the sound of his disgusting gurgling, choking cough.