Identify 3 driving risks pictured above. B. Choose one and explain the

A. Identify 3 Driving Risks Pictured Above. Infographic Road Safety Travelers' Health Cdc

The three driving risks presented include the driver being distracted while holding a drink and looking back at a device, the unrestrained dog on the front passenger's lap, and the backseat. The main driving risks identified are distracted driving, not wearing seat belts, and having an unrestrained pet in the vehicle.

Distracted driving is dangerous as it diverts the. Distraction from friends, cell phone use, and loud passengers b. The 2 specific options to legally drive are to move aside and/or pull over to let them.

2.5 driving course flvs Question 1 A. Identify three common risks for

Identify three common risks for young drivers pictured above?

What safe skills can be used to reduce each.

Explain the two specific options a driver has to legally pass by the vehicles pictured above. Risk factors for motor vehicle crashes that are particularly elevated among teenage drivers include:

Identify 3 driving risks pictured above. B. Choose one and explain the
Identify 3 driving risks pictured above. B. Choose one and explain the


Identify the 3 driving risks pictured above. Choose one and explain the
Identify the 3 driving risks pictured above. Choose one and explain the


2.5 driving course flvs Question 1 A. Identify three common risks for
2.5 driving course flvs Question 1 A. Identify three common risks for


Infographic Road Safety Travelers' Health CDC
Infographic Road Safety Travelers' Health CDC


DrivingRelated Hazards Checklist Road Safety at Work
DrivingRelated Hazards Checklist Road Safety at Work
