If you plan to enroll in less than nine credits per semester, your financial aid may be reduced. Title iv funds are financial aid you may receive in your. Financialaid.uconn.edu now that you’ve filed your fafsa, here are the next steps to be taken (continued)
Carrie Norris Office of Student Financial Aid Services
The department of education has implemented federal regulations that authorize this university to administer title iv financial aid funds.
S.uconn.edu/fa/knowledge/base other financial aid websites.
This is found in the bursar's section of your student portal at. Office of student financial aid services divisio. The cost to attend varies. Some students may be eligible for financial aid or may wish to utilize unsubsidized loans.
You can now file your free application for federal student aid (fafsa) or institutional aid application (iaa) for undocumented students. Our office of student financial aid services is dedicated to helping you afford this opportunity, working with you and your family to help make uconn a reality. The student administration system provides users with a portal to their financial aid status and enables users to review their financial aid details, accept or decline their financial aid offers,. All students who receive financial aid must complete the student financial responsibility agreement.

You must show how you will meet the expenses for the first year of your.
On this site, students can conduct a financial aid review, view their lender information, and determine who currently services each of their federal student loans.