In where the truth lies, casey anthony has spoken on camera for the first time since her trial for the alleged murder of her daughter caylee in 2011. Casey's pal, lauren gibbs, and the defendant's mother, cindy anthony, both claim caylee's father perished in a car accident, the magazine noted. In addition to lee anthony, jesse grund, casey anthony's ex.
Who Is Caylee Anthony's Father? See Paternity Theories
Anthony said jesus ortiz was the father.
In both her handwritten statement and throughout hours of recorded interviews with sheriff's detectives, casey anthony had adamantly maintained that she had last seen her daughter.
In a 2008 interview with fox news’ greta van. The trial against casey anthony for the murder of her daughter, caylee anthony, was the court case covered by all media outlets. Lee anthony's dna was tested by the fbi and found to be just caylee's uncle. However, the fbi's report on dna testing concludes that lee anthony is not the father of caylee anthony.
Jesse grund was dating casey around the time that her pregnancy came to light. Jesse originally thought he was the father and helped raise caylee for around the first year or so,. Our large caylee anthony father library shelters caylee anthony father a caylee anthony father diverse collection, including caylee anthony father beloved caylee anthony father shonen.