Wicked local wareham police investigating after woman's body pulled from wareham river the woman was pulled from the river at parkwood beach thursday afternoon. He’s working right up until then. News and lifestyle source for #capecod #itsbetteroncapecod
WarehamNew Bedford Elks Community Yard Sale July 21
Wareham remains in the red with a case count of 190 in the last two weeks.
Come to a close saturday, april 17.
The average daily incidence rate at 56.1 per 100,000 is also higher than the previous week’s report. Wicked local wareham (wareham.wickedlocal.com) is your source for local news and information from wareham, ma. Check out wareham police and fire department scans 24/7. Scroll over news on top left next to home and go to police & fire scanner on the far right.