Sign up for an online account, choose a funding option and enjoy video communication from anywhere. Problems related to your internet connection or hardware should be directed to your internet service provider or a qualified computer repair technician. Visit securus for full details.
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You will use the securus mobile app or go to to send and receive an emessage. Note you can also download the free securus app and follow the. To sign up for a securus nextgen secure communications platform account, please contact your securus. Please login to access your securus technologies account.
A free securus online account. How do i start communicating using emessaging? © 2025 | securus technologies, llc all rights reserved. Securus technologies offers video visitation, messaging, phone and tablet services for incarcerated individuals and their families.

Register for an account or login if you already have an account.
Securus technologies’® emessaging offers you a fully digital, completely paperless solution that gives your staff control of who uses the system and what is permitted in inbound. There are currently no featured products available. You can make a deposit to their securus debit account 24/7/365 by using our website, free mobile apps or contacting us via phone. You can sign in with your email and password, or create a securus online account, and access features.
Securus offers remote video visitation for families and friends of incarcerated loved ones. Apple, the apple logo, iphone, and ipad are trademarks of apple. Securus app is the easiest way to stay connected with your incarcerated loved one. © 2019 securus technologies, inc.