شب های سیاه در کوی دانشگاه مبین رحیمی سیاستِ شبهای کوی اینبار، بیانگر فرمِ جدیدی از «گفتار» است که حسابش را با لحظاتِ پیشین جدا میکند. آنچه که در این شبها شاهدِ آن بودیم، مکانهای گفتاریِ جدیدی. (i've added the output url).
درایور پرینتر Hp Laserjet Pro M402dn Eroppa
Use iconv or mb_convert_encoding for this.
Iranian security leaders have announced in recent days that they will resume enforcing the mandatory hijab law with a confrontational approach.
I have tested the following code. I've tried with sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com and it seems to works. Several judicial and security authorities have in recent days discussed announced deployments and threatened citizens who protest during the upcoming chahar shanbeh souri holiday on. I get email content with pop3 , but for utf (persian) content encoded!