We decided to start with test cyp/prop pinning 3.5 days at 100mg. Prop has a lighter ester, so that's the difference in dosages. First cycle, definitely go with test c.
Test Prop Intramuscular Injection Intramuscular Injection
From what i read, the shorter the ester the less.
Test prop 50mg m,w,f 2.
Enanthate and cypionate are very similar long acting esters, prop is fast acting and requires frequent injections. I've used prop and cyp and prefer cyp, but it is another example of the need to experiment and see what works for you. Test cyp 75mg m and f 3. I prefer short ester test for trt.
How can i calculate an equivalent dose of test prop to test cyp since there are different ester weights? Test cyp is a much lighter and longer lasting esther, it's better in every way. But test is test no matter what ester you chose. I would not blame prop for the the pip unless it.

Testosterone propionate calls for more injections, sometimes daily, due to its slow release.
Test prop's proclivity for pip would be likely reduced if mixed with a longer ester (or any other compound through simple dilution) such as cyp/enth and research has shown a greater. In gearing up to do my first short cycle, it seems that propionate is a better choice to cypionate due to it being a shorter ester. But test prop is not a good option for trt for most people. I've been on the new test p protocol for about six weeks now, figured.
Learn which is best for muscle gains, trt, injection. I've seen a few posts asking about doing test c vs test p, so i thought to share my experience in making the switch. Prop is better with other short esters like npp, tren where. I live on prop and inject every other day.

Also, is test prop a reasonable.
I prefer the more consistent pulses. Most propionate users (including myself) would recommend that it shines when. Testosterone cypionate, meanwhile, needs just weekly shots and gives more. Test cyp can be injected less frequently and will keep your levels more.