Candidates are able to view all current vacancies within each service area. Formal approval from physician, if applicable. Teachers who have been certified perform better than teachers who have not.
Fillable Online Certificated Request for Leave of Absence lausd Fax
Resources and managing challenge demands are offered as recommendations to improve employee engagement.
Our human resources department provides a full range of human resources services for the certificated (instructional) staff of lausd, including teachers, administrators, and teaching.
Below you will find listed all of the division of adult and career education service areas. You must be a current or retired employee of lausd with 130 paid days in regular status in the classified service or permanent status in the certificated service or have been. Teachers, school counselors, and substitutes. Please be advised that all lausd employees must sign in to the globalprotect virtual private network (vpn) in order to submit an application from an external.
Click here for current job opportunities. Classified positions are open to certificated and classified employees who meet the position requirements. Everything you need to know about applying for certificated positions can be found in this section. Used to list courses to qualify for.

Complete a certificated resignation form (lausd/hr 8152).
For employees who serve in an unclassified position as an. Be sure to review the eligibility requirements and application submission process in order to. There are no job descriptions / essential elements for this district. Based on the present study's findings, it is suggested that the government maintain teacher certification, with.
School leaders, teachers, substitute teachers, teacher assistants and all other requiring credentials. Click the below link to explore more:
