Jezebel promoted the worship of false gods in israel, harassed and killed god’s prophets, and arranged for an innocent man to be falsely charged and executed. In the old testament, jezebel was the daughter of ethbaal, king of sidon, and the wife of ahab, king of israel. After the anointing of jehu as king of israel, he was tasked with executing divine judgment on the house of ahab.
Death Of Jezebel 1 by Gustave Dore
By opposing the worship of the hebrew god yahweh, neglecting.
Jezebel's death is recorded in 2 kings 9.
Jezebel, from the old testament (kings i and ii), was the wife of king ahab who ruled the kingdom of israel. Right here on churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on how old was jezebel when she died, what happened to jezebel in the bible, and so much more. 852 bce) according to the biblical books of i and ii kings, where. Jezebel, the wife of king ahab of israel, is one of.
Jezebel’s violent, bloody death represents the expulsion of foreign cultural and religious influences and the rejection of powerful female leadership in israel. Jezebel promoted the worship of false gods in israel, persecuted. 842 bce) was the phoenician princess of sidon who married ahab, king of israel (r. The story of jezebel's death is a dramatic and vivid episode recorded in the old testament, specifically in the book of 2 kings, chapter 9.