How was racial antisemitism in nazi germany different from the religious antisemitism of the past?. Historical developments of antisemitism, islamophobia, and race; America today, due in part to historical precedent and various psychological aspects including the mimetic scape goat theory, unconscious bias, and holocaust denial.
Conferences Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism
How has antisemitism evolved over time?
Pagan, christian, and muslim antisemitism;
We connect research on antisemitism to the wider study of racialization and intolerance. It documents the religious, sociological, political and economic. Part 1 focuses on the antisemitic beliefs and ideas that were predominant during the 1930s and 1940s, while part 2 draws comparisons between this period and today,. The following three provide a rough historical overview;
The birkbeck institute for the study of antisemitism explores the contemporary and historical distinctiveness of antisemitism. The purpose of this document is to provide a practical guide for identifying incidents, collecting data, and supporting the implementation and enforcement of legislation. An overview essay surveys the background and significance of antisemitism and provides historical context for discussions of contemporary topics. The first part deals with some historiographical and theoretical sides of the issue;

Theories of prejudice and violence;
Our research explores contemporary and historical antisemitism. Antisemitism is hatred directed against jews, and we must first be clear what is meant by this entity ‘the jews’. We connect research on antisemitism to the wider study of. And the last section consists of three additional.
Adi kantor, a research associate on contemporary antisemitism in the united states at the inss, reviews the development of the concept of antisemitism in scholarly discourse and the. The volume sheds light on historical processes of discrimination and identifies them as a key factor in the contemporary and future fight against antisemitism. A history offers a readable overview of a daunting topic, describing and analyzing the hatred that jews have faced from ancient times to the present. Scott ury, the outgoing director of tel aviv university’s stephen roth institute for the study of contemporary antisemitism and racism, and guy meron, prof.

What are the origins and history of antisemitism?
Antisemitism through the ages, edited by shmuel almog (oxford, 1988) contains 26 detailed studies.